School Logo

Our Vision and Aims

Our school vision is:

To nurture kind, respectful children who show ambition.

For all pupils to progress through a range of meaningful experiences enabling them to learn and apply the skills needed for a successful future.


Ask our children what our motto is and they will tell you:


'Aim High, Be Kind, Show Respect'.

Anelwch yn uchel, byddwch yn garedig, dangoswch parch


At Adamsdown Primary school we understand that a school’s curriculum is everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes. It is not simply what we teach but why we teach it.

Therefore, we ensure that our curriculum:

has the Four Purposes at the core  
is broad and balanced
covers the six Areas of Learning and Experience and the 27 statements what matters
is tailored to meet the needs of all of our learners
provides opportunities for pupils to revisit skills, knowledge and experiences in order to deepen understanding and make progress.
provides opportunities for children to have rich, meaningful experiences
embed the mandatory curriculum components of RSE and RVE, Welsh and English
Includes the cross cutting themes of RSE, Human Rights, Diversity, Careers and work-related experiences and inform pupils about the world including local, national and international contexts.

develops the cross curricular skills of literacy and numeracy skills and digital competence
