The Governors are appointed for a four year term and represent: The LEA, the Parents, the Staff and the Community
The Governors and the LEA share the responsibility for the school, its building and the curriculum. The Head teacher is responsible to the Governors for the day to day management and administration of the school and its curriculum.
The Governors of Adamsdown Primary School are:
CHAIRPERSON: Cllr Owen Llewellyn Jones
Head Teacher: Mrs Emma Thomas
Community Governors: Mr Simon Thomas - Willows High School
Mr Joe Redmond
Mr Ian Protheroe (Vice Chair)
LEA Governors: Mr John Dixon
Cllr Grace Ferguson-Thorne
Cllr Owen Llewelyn Jones
Parent Representatives: Mr Oluwole Banjoko
Mrs H Hossain
Mrs Aalaa Abusabah
Mrs Salma Abdelquadir
Teacher Rep: Mrs Amelia Harrison
Non-teaching Staff: Miss Tabitha Brunker
Clerk to Governing Body; Mrs Jan Knowles
Non-participant Observers: Ms Helen Williams & Mrs Jody Jenkins