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Our school dog - Mabel

Look our for Mabel on her walks with Mrs Thomas, our Head teacher

Why use animals in a primary school?


Animals are used increasingly in schools to support children. Some of the many advantages in using pets within a school are:


  • motivating pupils to think and to learn, as most children have a high level of natural interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of animals;
  • encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with each other, parents and teachers; 
  • teaching children to nurture and respect life;
  • helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children; 
  • helping children build confidence in reading;
  • improving attendance;
  • further promote and support our valuable wellbeing work with pupils and staff.


Dogs are increasingly being used in schools with great success and some of you may have seen in the media that they are now being used in some hospitals as the emotional health benefits they bring are just so vast.  We have spent the past couple of years researching and then planning how to appropriately introduce dogs into school life.


 If your child is going to meet Mabel the dog, we will request permission from parents to do so. Whilst moving around the school, the dog will be kept on a short lead and will always be with an adult.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
