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Literacy and Numeracy Framework

The National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) is designed to help teachers embed literacy and numeracy

into all subjects for learners aged 5 to 14.


The LNF sets the skills we expect learners to develop. Within

literacy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • oracy across the curriculum
  • reading across the curriculum
  • writing across the curriculum.

Within numeracy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • developing numerical reasoning
  • using number skills
  • using measuring skills
  • using data skills

Teachers will be able to use the LNF to:

  • develop curriculum content to ensure that all learners

have opportunities to develop and refine the skills set out in

the LNF

  • integrate literacy and numeracy into their teaching –

​whatever the subject matter

  • inform discussions with parents/carers, learners and other

teachers about learner performance

  • help learners with their own self-assessment activities and

planning for learning

  • monitor, assess and report on individual learner performance
  • identify learners who may benefit from intervention or who

are working beyond age-related expectations.
